There are over 30 white rhinos and 1 black rhino in the sanctuary. There are also a variety of other animals as well. This was the first time I got to see rhinos during the day. They are massive creatures but not overly exciting. The most movement I saw from one was when it was digging a hole to poo in. We did the usual driving around different waterholes stalking animals and were lucky enough to see rhinos a few times. We also got to see a baby springbok and impala as well as some baby warthogs, which were very cute. The adult warthogs run through the grass with their tails standing straight up so the babies can follow them in the long grass. We never saw the black rhino but a family in a nearby campsite had a close encounter when they were pitching their tent and the black rhino walked across it and dragged it towards the bushes. Luckily the tent untangled at the edge of the campsite.

Nikki - How does one spell "Rhino" ?
ReplyDeleteTe he he. Well done you passed the test. You were the first to spot it so you get to have me hang out with you for the next 4 months. Yay for you!