We began our Galapagos adventure with seven nights on the Angelito yacht and completed it with two nights in the big smoke of Puerto Ayora on Santa Cruz.

These guys were on the hunt for turtle hatchlings.

He got a few meters out to sea and then a frigate bird got him.
A frigate soaring above the boat
(Glenn's photo)
Our visitor on the back of the boat on the first night
We spent the first morning on Mosquera, a small sandy island that is very popular with sea lions.
We were told not to go any closer than 2 meters from the sea lions, but that didn't stop them coming closer to us.

Tana and her friend checking out the view.
There were just a few sea lions.
Flightless Comorants

(Glenn's photo)

We saw over 1.000 of them here.
They bask in the sun to warm up after swimming and they snort out salt water.
I got snorted on.

These are the guys that snorted on me.

Lava, lava and more lava.
We were lucky enough to see five tortoises in their natural habitat.

Not much prettier than the marine version.
They were usually ambling along the path and in not too much of a hurry to move out of the way.

The only time it's acceptable to point and call out boobies.
Glenn made the most of it.
We saw heaps while snorkling. At one stage I counted 13 close to me.
My possie for drying out after snorkling, drinking wine and beer, and reading.
An afternoon on the beach

This lava came from the volcano in the background.

Juvenile flamingo
Some of our shipmates: Zane, Tana, Marisol, Andy, Katy.

People leave postcards and other tourists pick them up and deliver them if they live close by.
Frigats fighting over the highest place on the boat

Another frigat hanging out on the back of the boat.
Our last dinner
After disembarking from the boat we stayed at this not so shabby place in Puerto Ayora, the largest town in the islands.
Lava lizards and sea lions liked to hang out in the bar along with the odd pelican.

Another frigat hanging out on the back of the boat.

Lava lizards and sea lions liked to hang out in the bar along with the odd pelican.